"What begins to unfold from page one is a captivating story filled with mystery, suspense, love, longing and family...a poignant tale not to be missed."
~Readers' Favorite (5 STARS)
"This is that kind of book, one so real and important that it bears at least a second reading - after the first sinks in."
~Grady Harp, Amazon Top 100 "Vine Voice" (5 STARS), reviewed in the San Francisco Review of Books
"One of the greatest riddles, it turns out, is a parent's real life, the one not shown to children. ...Skillful dialogue as well as brisk pacing and an effective resolution."
~Kirkus Reviews
"The book is beautifully constructed, revealing information a little at a time to keep us guessing…Cleare’s descriptions are vivid, and her story is charming…the perfect book to take along on a vacation — or peruse while sitting by the woodstove on a cool day".
~Tinky Weisblat for The Recorder
"A family saga bridging decades and filled with shocking revelations, hope and love, you won't be able put this book down."
~Kate Moretti, NY Times bestselling author of Thought I Knew You
"A compelling portrait of three memorable women and the unique bond that exists between mothers and daughters."
~Booked Solid (5 STARS)